Jax Wechsler

Improving Leaving Care

At 18 years old, young people within the child protection system need to Leave Care. This can be a challenging time for young people who have grown up under the care of the Minister.

This project for ADHC investigated how might we improve the leaving care experience for young people with disabilities. I delivered a co-design capability program where staff from ADHC and FACS considered this question through a co-design process.

A workshop was held with the project team where we learned how to do design research. Over a 10 day period the project team conducted qualitative design research with different stakeholders in the service eco-system including families, carers, NGOs, residential care workers and young people.

Over a few days we got together to synthesise our data and generate some insights. These insights were represented in some journey maps and personas. Together, we identified several opportunities for improvement.

A co-design session was next conducted with the team and different external stakeholders including young people, NGOs and carers. Here we generated a few design concepts.

An extensive report was delivered showing the research insights, the key opportunity areas and  design concepts.


© 2025 Jax Wechsler