Jax Wechsler

Category Archives: social design

New Frontiers for Design

As organizations throughout the world contend with unprecedented technological, social, environmental and business challenges, design provides a valuable approach to help simplify and humanize complex systems. Today I discuss some new contexts for design, including healthcare, business, social innovation and government, sharing some stories from my own practice.


Design can support the design of health services, technologies and environments and is being used by hospitals and health services across …

Designing for Impact talk

A talk I recently gave at Social Design Sydney discussing my work with NSW Family and Community Services and designing for IMPACT.

Designing for Wellbeing event

Social Design Sydney event held: Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014
Speakers & videos
Dominic Campbell is a digital government specialist and social innovator. He established FutureGov in the UK in 2008 and has co-founded several start-ups such as Patchwork a collaboration tool for multi-agency working, currently focused on children and families intervention, Casserole a peer to peer meals on wheels service, and …

Designing with Citizens videos

Social Design Sydney’s Designing with Citizens : Citizen-centric policy and services event was held on June 3rd.

This event consisted of conversation and Australian case studies discussing citizen involvement in the design of public policy and services at the state, local and federal government levels.
The speakers
Jane Treadwell World Bank Government Transformation Senior Consultant, owner of Jane Treadwell Consulting, and former Chief Executive Officer at DesignGov (Australian Centre for Excellence in …

Social Design talk by Doug Powell

Doug Powell has a long history of doing “good” design work.

He was former president of the AIGA, involved in setting up the Design for Good framework amongst other things.

I watched a presentation he gave to students at MICA Social Design and have noted down some of the points I found interesting. http://vimeo.com/88416645

1. Designers have EMPATHY. They make things for other people and are naturally empathetic. This is a valuable …

Social innovation / HCD / service design resources

Curious about applying design thinking methods to solve a tricky problem?

Some really great design tool-kits have come across my radar.
Check out the list below. Perhaps you have a problem you can apply them to.

Feel free to leave a comment about these or if you use any others which are useful?

The Social Design Methods menu – Lucy Kimbell & Joe Julier
Check out Lucy’s blog for more social …

Technology assisted health behaviour change

I recently did some research for a project which aims to facilitate health-related behaviour change using technology.

Some of this research is summarised below.

1. BJ Fogg’s model

In order to build persuasive technology, people need to be encouraged to change their behaviours. The BJ Fogg model was developed in 2009 to understand …

Designing With Citizens Event

Citizen-centric Public Policy & Services
Join us for some conversation and Australian case studies discussing citizen involvement in the design of public policy and services at the state, local and federal government levels.

Date: June 3rd, 2014
Time: 6:15pm
Place: College of Fine Arts, UNSW Greens Rd Paddington NSW Australia

http://socialdesignsydney.com for more information

Case-study : designing a mobile health tool for CVD patients

This is from a project I recently working on. We used a human-centred design process to deliver journey maps, personas and wire-frames for a mobile tool to help cardio-vascular disease patients and those at risk change their behaviour.

Designing With Sydney : Introduction to Social Design Evening

In August I organised an event for the Sydney Design Festival called Introduction to Social Design Evening. It consisted of a series of case-studies about social design projects by Sydney practitioners.

Tasman Munro  shares his experiences co-designing with inmates and staff in NSW Corrective Services.

Centre for Social Impact fellow Social Designer Ingrid Burkett shared some insights about working with marginalised Australian communities  in the ‘rust belt’.

Alex …

© 2025 Jax Wechsler