Curious about applying design thinking methods to solve a tricky problem?
Some really great design tool-kits have come across my radar.
Check out the list below. Perhaps you have a problem you can apply them to.
Feel free to leave a comment about these or if you use any others which are useful?
The Social Design Methods menu – Lucy Kimbell & Joe Julier
Check out Lucy’s blog for more social …
This video shows a participatory decision making process where citizens help decide how their city budget is spent using a game in San Jose, USA.
Hey Hey (Swedish for Hi)!
I write this post from an airport in Gotenburg in Sweden where I have just spent the last few days at a conference called Crafting the Future held by the European Academy of Design. Here I learnt a lot about the topic of sustainability and fashion from academics Dr. Kate Fletche r and Professor Simonetta Carbonaro from …
I saw Charles Leadbeater author of We think – The Power of Mass Creativity speak recently about innovation in the public sector as part of the GovCampNSW initiative.
I thought I would share a few of the notes I took at his talk:
> creativity comes from communities that share a cause i.e. passionate communities that both share and compete creating better ideas together.
> creativity is about combining things in …
I am having a great time in London connecting with people who are working in the social innovation space.
I was lucky to attend a great event put on by the UPA about UX for social change.
There was a diverse set of speakers who gave presentations at this event. Below you can find some notes.
Speaker 1: Dan Lockton from Brunel University
Dan authored a cardset as tools for interaction designers called: …