Jax Wechsler

Category Archives: social change

Co-design and Power Talks and Resources

Social Design Sydney hosted a powerful conversation about Co-Design and Power on August 11 with with 3 eminent Co-design practitioners, Dana Shen, Morgan Lee Cataldo and Kelly Ann McKercher.

The videos …

Resources : Systems thinking for Systemic Change

A collection of resources related to Systems Thinking for Systemic Change

Dancing wth Systems by Donella Meadows,
Using theories of change for systemic impact By Anna Birney
Systems change: A guide to what it is and how to do it : Report by NPC and LankellyChase Foundation: inlcuding a PDF download “Thinking Big, How to use theory of change for systems change”
The …

Social innovation / HCD / service design resources

Curious about applying design thinking methods to solve a tricky problem?

Some really great design tool-kits have come across my radar.
Check out the list below. Perhaps you have a problem you can apply them to.

Feel free to leave a comment about these or if you use any others which are useful?

The Social Design Methods menu – Lucy Kimbell & Joe Julier
Check out Lucy’s blog for more social …

Participatory Decision Making by Citizens

This video shows a participatory decision making process where citizens help decide how their city budget is spent using a game in San Jose, USA.

The Politics of Fashion

Hey Hey (Swedish for Hi)!

I write this post from an airport in Gotenburg in Sweden where I have just spent the last few days at a conference called Crafting the Future held by the European Academy of Design. Here I learnt a lot about the topic of sustainability and fashion from academics Dr. Kate Fletcher and Professor Simonetta Carbonaro from …

Talk by Charles Leadbeater for GovCampNSW

I saw Charles Leadbeater  author of We think – The Power of Mass Creativity speak recently about innovation in the public sector as part of the GovCampNSW initiative.

I thought I would share a few of the notes I took at his talk:

> creativity comes from communities that share a cause i.e. passionate communities that both share and compete creating better ideas together.

> creativity is about combining things in …

Gamestorming and Design Thinking

A friend just sent me a great video about Game-Storming i.e. brainstorming using games.

I highly recommend the book it mentions: Gamestorming: A playbook for innovators, rulebreakers and changemakers. I have had some great results using techniques from this book in workshops on a wide variety of topics. (There is also a lot of academic literature about these techniques by Eva Brandt and an article on Boxes and Arrows.)

As the …

UPA UK User Experience for Social Change event

I am having a great time in London connecting with people who are working in the social innovation space.

I was lucky to attend a great event put on by the UPA about UX for social change.

There was a diverse set of speakers who gave presentations at this event. Below you can find some notes.

Speaker 1: Dan Lockton from Brunel University

Dan authored a cardset as tools for interaction designers called: …

Design PHD Conference at Lancaster University

I am very excited to be attending the 2011 Design PHD Conference at the Imagingation Lancaster Lab at Lancaster University next month.

The Imagination lab are doing some really interesting work in the areas of

Democratising Innovation (i.e Von Hippel’s book – free download!)
Design for Sustainability
Design Futures
Design Management
Service Design

I have been particularly interested in the …

© 2025 Jax Wechsler