Jax Wechsler

Category Archives: service design

New Frontiers for Design

As organizations throughout the world contend with unprecedented technological, social, environmental and business challenges, design provides a valuable approach to help simplify and humanize complex systems. Today I discuss some new contexts for design, including healthcare, business, social innovation and government, sharing some stories from my own practice.


Design can support the design of health services, technologies and environments and is being used by hospitals and health services across …

SDN Conference 2015 impressions

I was lucky to attend the recent SDN Global Service Design Conference. The last time I attended this conference was in Paris in 2011. There were 600 people at the conference in New York, testimony to the fact that Service Design is a growing design discipline. The presentations and workshops were of a very high quality and it was often challenging to …

Social innovation / HCD / service design resources

Curious about applying design thinking methods to solve a tricky problem?

Some really great design tool-kits have come across my radar.
Check out the list below. Perhaps you have a problem you can apply them to.

Feel free to leave a comment about these or if you use any others which are useful?

The Social Design Methods menu – Lucy Kimbell & Joe Julier
Check out Lucy’s blog for more social …

Design, Frameworks and the Service Organisation

I had an article published in the DMI Review recently about the importance of using frameworks within complex design projects.

The paper is related to the work I have been doing for my masters thesis. It’s a practice-based research project about my use of artefacts within a commercial human centred design project.

The article is called : Reflecting on …

Delivering Simplicity: Organizational Contexts and Service Design

I recently had an article published in the Fall issue of  MISC Magazine | The Simplicity Issue called
Delivering Simplicity: Organizational Contexts and Service Design

My article is on page 52 and can be viewed as a PDF

There are some good articles in the magazine which you can read online or …

Service Design Workshop with Marc Stickdorn @UNSW

I feel very fortunate about attending a 3 day workshop with Marc Stickdorn co-author of  This is Service Design Thinking over the last few days. It was organised by UNSW and consisted of a really interesting mix of people from diverse backgrounds including students, academics, professionals and UX/Service Design practitioners.
A note to the Service Design Community
Marc thinks that we need to share more in Australia! He thinks we …

SDN Conference Paris Notes 2011

I was fortunate to attend the Service Design Network conference  in Paris last month.
You can view the talks at this URL: http://www.service-design-network.org/content/media-1

Whilst many of the talks were excellent, below are a few brief notes about my three favourites which you should check out.

I would highly recommend the talk by Craig La Rosa from Contiunuum. Craig shared a case-study he was involved with for Holiday Inn. It was an …

About Co-design

Expanding upon my last post about the initiative by EU governments to encourage design driven innovation within the EU, I found some videos explaining what co-design is from UK service design agencies Think Public and Engine. This last post had many examples of this drive within UK and both these videos discuss Service Design work they have done for the UK government.

This first one from Think Public

© 2025 Jax Wechsler