Jax Wechsler

Category Archives: marketing

Design Artefacts & Innovation

Here is a copy of an essay I recently write for a publication.

Scaffolding Innovation Through Design Artefacts

This short essay will reflect learnings from a case-study I am working on as part of my masters research. My thesis constitutes a practice-based research project about a specific human-centered design project for a large company which I worked on as an independent consultant. My research seeks to explore the potential for design artefacts …

Interaction design and the purple cow

This video below talks about why interaction design matters.
It is aimed at marketers….

Marketing is about people’s relationship to products.
Marketing gets people to purchase products…

But what happens after the purchase has been made and the person interacts with the product?

Interaction design (and designing for user experience) affects the relationship a person has POST – purchase.

It’s essential for customer advocacy and creating buzz, and …

  • Posted: September 10, 2009
  • Tags: marketing
  • Comments: 0

Marketing and User Centered Thinking

Excellent presentation by TBWA which discusses their approach to marketing and advertising, “an approach that shifts communication from brand-centric to audience-centric thinking”.

I have become very interested in user-centered design practices and strongly believe that humans need to be at the center of all marketing and all new product and service design and delivery. It’s seriously the way forward and I firmly believe that organisations that incorporate user-centered …

© 2025 Jax Wechsler