Understanding value is critical for innovation and new/improved products & services
Clay Christenson has a very useful tool for considering value – Jobs To be Done.
We hire products and services to do things for us.
By thinking about the jobs that we seek assistance to do can helps to understand the value that products/services supply, helping us to improve them. Thinking about jobs, considers human needs, and cuts across demographic …
I had an article published in the DMI Review recently about the importance of using frameworks within complex design projects.
The paper is related to the work I have been doing for my masters thesis. It’s a practice-based research project about my use of artefacts within a commercial human centred design project.
The article is called : Reflecting on …
I saw Charles Leadbeater author of We think – The Power of Mass Creativity speak recently about innovation in the public sector as part of the GovCampNSW initiative.
I thought I would share a few of the notes I took at his talk:
> creativity comes from communities that share a cause i.e. passionate communities that both share and compete creating better ideas together.
> creativity is about combining things in …
I recently spotted a report done by the commissions of the European communities called “Design as a driver of user-centered innovation”
“The working hypothesis of this document is that design is a driver and tool for user-centred and sustainable innovation and differentiation, complementary to technological R&D, and that increased use of design could increase European competitiveness. The objective of the document is to provide an analysis on the importance and potential of …
Participatory Design (PD) has it’s beginnings in Scandinavia in the 70’s where there was a movement by academics and trade unionists to involve users in the design of the applications that were being designed to assist their work. It aimed to prevent workers from being dis-empowered by the tools and computer technologies imposed on them by their employers. PD provided a way to collaboratively develop technology engaging people in the …
There is an article from Business Week: Apple’s design process about a presentation given at SXSW by Michael Lopp, senior engineering manage from Apple about their internal design process.
I liked the idea about paired meetings where each week they have 2 meetings.
– One is a free for all – a meeting to innovate with no constraints….totally blue sky. (FORM)
– The 2nd is a meeting that is more structured …