Design is not about making ‘things’, but is also concerned with how people, and people and ‘things’ work together. Complex problem solving requires collaboration, creativity, co-design, iteration, insight and taking a human-centred approach. These are all key principles used within the discipline of design. Contemporary businesses, not for profits, corporations and governments are employing design approaches to solve complex problems, shape human experience and become more profitable, sustainable and innovative.
Design …
Humanizing innovation through customer-centricity for MISC Magazine | The Human Experience Issue, September 2014
My new article for MISC Magazine, about supporting customer-centricity and human-centred innovation within organisations through providing research driven rich visual artefacts that invoke empathy and customer-centric thinking and decision making by broad organisational members.
Humanizing Innovation Through Customer-Centricity
For CEOs all over the globe, …
I came across interesting video about supporting innovation w design in health care by Lorna Ross, Director of Design at the Mayo clinic.
It relates to some of the ideas I explored in my Masters thesis.
I will be writing more about this soon : )
The points I found most interesting were:
Design is fundamentally aspirational
Systems, behaviour and artefacts are linked. Artefacts (such as technology) influence systems and behaviours.
So design affects systems and …
(An article I recently wrote for the Objective Digital blog)
It was sad news that Steve Jobs lost his fight with Pancreatic Cancer last week. We wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on some of the things that Jobs (and Apple) brought to usability and customer experience.
It is widely agreed that Steve Jobs designed “insanely great products”, many of which have revolutionised the way in which we interact with technology …
I am having a great time in London connecting with people who are working in the social innovation space.
I was lucky to attend a great event put on by the UPA about UX for social change.
There was a diverse set of speakers who gave presentations at this event. Below you can find some notes.
Speaker 1: Dan Lockton from Brunel University
Dan authored a cardset as tools for interaction designers called: …
I love this video….so cute and really captures what UX design is about.
- Posted: April 13, 2011
- Tags: design
- Comments: 0
I recently spotted a report done by the commissions of the European communities called “Design as a driver of user-centered innovation”
“The working hypothesis of this document is that design is a driver and tool for user-centred and sustainable innovation and differentiation, complementary to technological R&D, and that increased use of design could increase European competitiveness. The objective of the document is to provide an analysis on the importance and potential of …
I have been working on a short animation about Design Thinking with a friend and have collected some quotes about design from a variety of sources…. Some food for thought.
Design is defined as both a verb and a noun, it refers to both a thing and an activity.
It comes from the Latin word ‘designare’ which means “mark out, …
- Posted: November 14, 2010
- Tags: design
- Comments: 0
Great preso acknowledging the important of CONTEXT to usability and the inter-dependencies between online services and different devices….the web is everywhere and we need to design with this in mind. And when designing we can not for one moment forget to consider the who? and the where? And not forgetting the social context of use as well as how that device may interact/interface with other devices out in the real …
There is an article from Business Week: Apple’s design process about a presentation given at SXSW by Michael Lopp, senior engineering manage from Apple about their internal design process.
I liked the idea about paired meetings where each week they have 2 meetings.
– One is a free for all – a meeting to innovate with no constraints….totally blue sky. (FORM)
– The 2nd is a meeting that is more structured …
I was having a chat with my lead designer at work today.
We recently conducted some user testing with sample users testing three alternative look and feels for a new web service we are building for a client.
These tests were done online via a questionnaire.
Whilst we constructed a report of this data for the client, I gave both the report as well as the raw data to the designer for her …
I have been doing a lot of reading lately for my university literature review and have been thinking a lot about the relationship between user experience, design and research.
These are some rough notes which are influencing my current, and continually evolving thinking on this topic.
As my paper gets written, I will share more of my thoughts about these topics….
Some factors informing my current thinking about this topic include:
– Experience by …
I recently read a fantastic post by Penny Hagen and Michelle Gilmore about utilising user stories as a strategic design tool.
I currently work for a small digital consultancy within a not-for-profit organisation called the Inspire Foundation. As mentioned within the post, we have had the opportunity to work with Penny on some of our projects as well as assisting us with defining our evolving methodology.
We use …
I love this presentation by Joshua Porter called Designing with Psychology in Mind.
It is very clever and well put together.
I love the idea that designers are in the business of changing behaviour as are psychologists so we as designers may need to add another skill to our arsenal, that of psychologist.
Also the need to consider human …
TED talk by Don Norman, the author of ‘Emotional Design’ presents about making people through design. He looks at the three emotional cues that good design needs to address in order to be successful.
Patrick Lynch summarizes Normans thinking here.
“Why attractive things work better
In psychology, emotional reactions to stimuli are called affective responses. Affective responses happen very fast, and are governed in an automatic, unconscious …
- Posted: June 25, 2009
- Tags: design
- Comments: 0