Jax Wechsler

Category Archives: design research

Trauma Informed Design Research : Resources

Trauma Informed Design Research

Please find resources about Trauma Informed Design Research in support of my talk at the 2021 UX Australia Design Research conference and the online courses I have been running for Social Design Sydney.


thebody keeps the score book cover
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk M.D.

Trauma Stewardship: an everyday guide for caring for self while caring for others by Connie Burk, Laura van Dernoot Lipsky

My Grandmother’s Hands
Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies
By: Resmaa Menakem

Beyond Sticky Notes is a deep-dive into the mindsets and methods of co-design by Kelly Ann McKercher

Design Justice : Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds we Need By Sasha Costanza-Chock. (Open Access/Free)

Appreciative Inquiry : A Positive Revolution in Change - David L. Cooperrider

Appreciative Inquiry :A Positive Revolution in Change By: David L. Cooperrider, Diana Whitney

Power and Participation : A guidebook to shift unequal power dynamics in participatory design practice by Hajira Qazi

Conversations Worth Having: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement

Cover: Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection: 50 Client-Centered Practices

Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection: 50 Client-Centered Practices by Deb Dana



Self-Care :

+ Self care Resources from Vivianne Castillo’s “The Siren Call of Self-Neglect” 

+ Self care Activities based on the Self Care wheel in Trauma Stewardship book

Trauma and Design by Rachael Dietkus

Stand out Links :

More Resources :

Resources relating to Indigenous Australians:







Sarah Fathalah (from Think of Us) describes the process used for recruiting young people with Lived Experience for a design project. This was a design research project to understand the experiences of foster youth placed in institutional placements (group homes, psychiatric facilities, etc.). They organized an open call for participation through youth advisory boards and community partners, making sure they were clear in the recruitment language about expectations for how many young people would participate and on which basis they would be selected. After they selected participants, they providing a transparency memo video around the participant recruiting process once participants were selected.


Phoenix Australia – the national centre for post-traumatic mental health have great resources – and can provide training for organisations

Trauma Informed Facilitation Training by melbourneprocessworkcentre.org


Designing for Impact talk

A talk I recently gave at Social Design Sydney discussing my work with NSW Family and Community Services and designing for IMPACT.

Design-led innovation in health care

I came across interesting video about supporting innovation w design in health care by Lorna Ross, Director of Design at the Mayo clinic.

It relates to some of the ideas I explored in my Masters thesis.
I will be writing more about this soon : )

The points I found most interesting were:

Design is fundamentally aspirational
Systems, behaviour and artefacts are linked. Artefacts (such as technology) influence systems and behaviours.
So design affects systems and …

Social innovation / HCD / service design resources

Curious about applying design thinking methods to solve a tricky problem?

Some really great design tool-kits have come across my radar.
Check out the list below. Perhaps you have a problem you can apply them to.

Feel free to leave a comment about these or if you use any others which are useful?

The Social Design Methods menu – Lucy Kimbell & Joe Julier
Check out Lucy’s blog for more social …

Researching value with Jobs To Be Done

Understanding value is critical for innovation and new/improved products & services
Clay Christenson has a very useful tool for considering value – Jobs To be Done.

We hire products and services to do things for us.
By thinking about the jobs that we seek assistance to do can helps to understand the value that products/services supply, helping us to improve them. Thinking about jobs, considers human needs, and cuts across demographic …

Design Pioneer: Patricia Moore – Mother of Universal Design

Patricia (Pattie) Moore is a pioneering female designer, gerontologist (social scientist of the aging), author, educator and design thought leader. Pattie has been named by ID magazine as one of the 40 Most Socially Conscious Designers in the world. She is one of my personal design heroes. In 2000 she was selected by a consortium of news editors and organizations as one …

Design, Frameworks and the Service Organisation

I had an article published in the DMI Review recently about the importance of using frameworks within complex design projects.

The paper is related to the work I have been doing for my masters thesis. It’s a practice-based research project about my use of artefacts within a commercial human centred design project.

The article is called : Reflecting on …

Activity Theory: the value of frameworks

Last year I undertook a compulsory unit at uni in qualitative research methodology.It got me thinking about the research we do to inform the design of applications we develop and the value of using a framework for research.

I learned about how we all bring assumptions to our research as a consequence of our perspectives and how no qualitative research can never ever be truly objective, …

Experience / Design Principles

What are they?
Design principles (also called experience attributes) describe the experience core values of a product or a service. They can be visually oriented objectives that describe the personality the product should have.

They should be written in a short and memorable way. As a designer you should know them by heart while doing a project. Good design principles are cross-feature but specific. Therefore we should always try harder than ‘Easy-to-use’. …

Co-design Workshop Method

I have been attending PDC 2010 the last few days i.e. a conference about participatory design in Sydney.

It has been very interesting so far…both the lectures as well as the hall way conversations between a well represented international audience.

I wanted to post about a workshop I did about innovative participatory design practices held by Peter Dalsgaard and Kim Halskov from Aarhus University in Denmark.

Within this workshop, we did …

Thinking About Participatory Design Research : Part 1

Participatory Design (PD) has it’s beginnings in Scandinavia in the 70’s where there was a movement by academics and trade unionists to involve users in the design of the applications that were being designed to assist their work. It aimed to prevent workers from being dis-empowered by the tools and computer technologies imposed on them by their employers. PD provided a way to collaboratively develop technology engaging people in the …

Value of User Experience Design

Excellent presentation about the value of user experience design and at what points it should be brought into the process. I have just sent it to some internal stakeholders from work who have project management responsibilities.

If we are to provide better experience for our customers….education is key.

Designing Experience

Thought provoking article from iA (creators of the webtrends maps) called “Can experience be designed”.

Some exerpts from the article I liked:
“Experience design is not a remedy that turns products into miracles that everybody likes. It will help you speaking more efficiently to your target group. To that end products needs to be simplified. The simpler the product the more character it has, the more likely it …

Ponderings on design research data

I was having a chat with my lead designer at work today.
We recently conducted some user testing with sample users testing three alternative look and feels for a new web service we are building for a client.
These tests were done online via a questionnaire.

Whilst we constructed a report of this data for the client, I gave both the report as well as the raw data to the designer for her …

User Experience, Design and Research

I have been doing a lot of reading lately for my university literature review and have been thinking a lot about the relationship between user experience, design and research.

These are some rough notes which are influencing my current, and continually evolving thinking on this topic.
As my paper gets written, I will share more of my thoughts about these topics….

Some factors informing my current thinking about this topic include:

– Experience by …

© 2025 Jax Wechsler