Jax Wechsler

Category Archives: design artifacts

Latest service design article in MISC magazine

I just received a PDF of my latest article for the US innovation magazine: Misc Magazine.

The article is called: Reframing thinking and doing within service design and delivery.

If you like it I would be most grateful if you would thumbs it up on Medium and/or LinkedIn.

Latest article: Humanizing innovation through customer-centricity

Humanizing innovation through customer-centricity for MISC Magazine | The Human Experience Issue, September 2014

My new article for MISC Magazine, about supporting customer-centricity and human-centred innovation within organisations through providing research driven rich visual artefacts that invoke empathy and customer-centric thinking and decision making by broad organisational members.



Humanizing Innovation Through Customer-Centricity

For CEOs all over the globe, …

Design-led innovation in health care

I came across interesting video about supporting innovation w design in health care by Lorna Ross, Director of Design at the Mayo clinic.

It relates to some of the ideas I explored in my Masters thesis.
I will be writing more about this soon : )

The points I found most interesting were:

Design is fundamentally aspirational
Systems, behaviour and artefacts are linked. Artefacts (such as technology) influence systems and behaviours.
So design affects systems and …

Design, Frameworks and the Service Organisation

I had an article published in the DMI Review recently about the importance of using frameworks within complex design projects.

The paper is related to the work I have been doing for my masters thesis. It’s a practice-based research project about my use of artefacts within a commercial human centred design project.

The article is called : Reflecting on …

Design Artefacts & Innovation

Here is a copy of an essay I recently write for a publication.

Scaffolding Innovation Through Design Artefacts

This short essay will reflect learnings from a case-study I am working on as part of my masters research. My thesis constitutes a practice-based research project about a specific human-centered design project for a large company which I worked on as an independent consultant. My research seeks to explore the potential for design artefacts …

Thinking About Participatory Design Research : Part 1

Participatory Design (PD) has it’s beginnings in Scandinavia in the 70’s where there was a movement by academics and trade unionists to involve users in the design of the applications that were being designed to assist their work. It aimed to prevent workers from being dis-empowered by the tools and computer technologies imposed on them by their employers. PD provided a way to collaboratively develop technology engaging people in the …

Designing Experience

Thought provoking article from iA (creators of the webtrends maps) called “Can experience be designed”.

Some exerpts from the article I liked:
“Experience design is not a remedy that turns products into miracles that everybody likes. It will help you speaking more efficiently to your target group. To that end products needs to be simplified. The simpler the product the more character it has, the more likely it …

Thinking about UXD models + design artifacts

Jesse James Garrett postulated a model/schema (fig. 1) for understanding user experience design in his book the Elements of User Experience Design in 2003. He also co- founded a leading user experience design agency called Adaptive Path. The model Garrett uses posits that there are five layers to UX design that have varying levels of abstraction and uses this model to discuss user experience design …

User Stories – strategic value?

I recently read a fantastic post by Penny Hagen and Michelle Gilmore about utilising user stories as a strategic design tool.

I currently work for a small digital consultancy within a not-for-profit organisation called the Inspire Foundation. As mentioned within the post, we have had the opportunity to work with Penny on some of our projects as well as assisting us with defining our evolving methodology.

We use …

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