Jax Wechsler


Jax is passionate about enabling better futures for individuals, society and the plane, supporting people to be, think and act differently….together.

Jax Wechsler is passionate about enabling better futures for individuals, society and the planet and has been working with design for over 20 years. For the last 15 years she has been working with human-centred design, predominately in social innovation contexts.

Consulting as Sticky Design Studio, Jax assists organisations with human-centred design consulting, co-design facilitation, program development, and supporting clients to develop internal design capability through coaching, training, and mentoring.

Jax’s change work draws on multiple practices, including Co-Design, Human-centred Design, Systems Thinking, Regenrtative Development, Futures Thinking, Neuroscience, Trauma Informed Practice and Asset-Based Community Development. She relies on diverse approaches to help make change stick and her practice is continually evolving.

Jax has extensive experience working with people with Lived Experience for clients including NSW Family and Community Services, Department of Human Services, Service NSW, Beyond Blue, and ReachOut. Jax has a certificate in trauma informed care and has studied polyvagal theory and the psychobiology of trauma as part of her trauma-informed coaching training and her keen interest in inner development

Jax believes that change making is about inner work too. She is passionate about mentoring and coaching change makers. She recently founded a new organisation called the School of Being aimed at helping to restore wellbeing in ourselves, our relationships, our places and our loving world.

Jax loves learning and sharing her practice. She has a Bachelor of Arts with a Religious Studies major, post-graduate certificates in IT and Digital Media and a Masters by Research in Design. Her masters thesis is a practice-based case-study exploring how design artefacts support human centred innovation and customer-centric organisational change. Jax has several academic and practitioner publications about design related change, and regularly presents about her change work at Australian and global conferences. Jax enjoys teaching others her craft and lectures casually at the University of NSW, the University of Newcastle and the University of Technology, Sydney.

Passionate about social, environmental, and systems change, since 2013 Jax has convened a community of practice, Social Design Sydney, through which she hosts events and trainings (founded in 2013). She is currently involved in a pro bono Theory U Systems Awareness Learning Journey working with Aunty Olive Knight from the Wangkajunka, wider Fitzroy Valley community looking at Indigenous Youth Suicide.

Learn more out Social Design Sydney and the School of Being.

© 2025 Jax Wechsler